Category Archives: Blogging

Moving from Movable Type to Word Press

Ever since I started blogging on this site 11 years and 1 month ago, I have been using MovableType as the Content Management System.  But it seems that as my blogging decreased, so did the MovableType community and the MT development team.  I have been thinking about moving everything over to the more active Word Press for a long time, but 11 years of posting is a lot of data to move over.

As I have started blogging again the last month or so, I could see my MT installation starting to break.  I tried and failed to get comments working again.  (Working again, without mountains of spam, that is.)  And uploading pictures and other files is a hassle.  And then tonight I tried to upload my latest post and it just would not save.  I don’t have time to figure out what is wrong, so I went with the one-click Word Press installation and here we are.

I imagine things will slowly change over time here, as I figure out this new system and figure out how it works.  In the meantime, I am not going to touch my old posts at all.  Eventually, I will bring them over into one database, but for now, if you want to see old posts, you can go to the old site at And if you follow me on an RSS reader, you might have to update your feed to the new WordPress style feed at  (Sorry for any inconvenience there!)

So… welcome to the new but not yet completely improved  And now that comments are working, feel free to say hi sometime!